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National liberation processes are usually long and difficult. And some, unfortunately, also dramatic and bloody. If we look at the process of creating the states that have been born in Europe over the last 40 years, we will realize that some nations have completed their self-determination without a long conflict (Estonia, Latvia, Montenegro...) while in others that process has...
Note for our international readers: In the Basque language, Basques who speak our own language are called "euskaldun". A Basque-speaker never calls himself "vasco" (in Spanish) or "Basque" (in French), but "euskaldun". "Euskaldun" is neither a demonym nor a geographical concept, but an ethnic and linguistic concept.   As a consequence of suffering a long linguicide and colonization, the national personality...
ALAN SANDRY. Swansea University (Wales/Cymru). The Welsh language – Cymraeg – is generally believed to be the second oldest existing language in Europe, after Basque, with its origins going back at least 3000 years. At its height it was spoken by people in Wales, western areas of England, Cumbria (Lake District) and the south of Scotland; Edinburgh and Glasgow were Welsh-speaking...
XABIER IRUJO. Historian. University of Nevada, Center for Basque Studies. Abstract: In this article, the historian Xabier Irujo elaborates on a number of Basque independence proclamations since the times of the French Revolution to our days. In 1789, for one, the Estates-General of Navarre, reunited in Donibane Garazi, outlined clearly that Navarre was not part of the kingdoms of Castile or France, emphasizing...
SHONA McALPINE. Spokesperson ICEC Scotland. The Gaelic language is quite linguistically distinct from English. It is a Celtic language with a close relationship to Irish Gaelic and Welsh. It was the main language in much of rural Scotland until the start of the 17th century. With the Union of the Crowns in 1603 when Scotland remained an independent state but with...
The desire to have a Basque Republic is not new among Basque patriots, not something that has suddenly occurred to us this morning. On the contrary, it is a claim with a long historical tradition. In the 18th century, 130 years before the birth of Sabino Arana (founder of modern Basque nationalism), the Jesuit Larramendi wrote the following: "Why...
The first part of the article we published, here: https://www.naziogintza.eus/en/about-the-basque-demographic-crisis-part-1/ MIGRATION FLOWS IN THE BASQUE COUNTRY Migration flows come as no surprise in this unfair world with an ever wider social divide. Every year millions of people initiate emigration to affluent countries escaping war, famine or poverty, and this pattern is not expected to change in the short term. We cannot remain...
At NAZIOGINTZA we analyze those factors affecting the Basque nation, its evolution and transformation. Since we promote the dissemination of Basque national consciousness, its language, its culture and its collective personality, we believe it is essential to identify and study those parameters which affect them. One of those parameters, of great importance, is the demographic one; therefore, we will...
ELIN HAF GRUFFYDD JONES. Prifysgol Cymru-University of Wales. ELEN President (https://elen.ngo/). The NAZIOGINTZA group wants to make known the linguistic struggle of other stateless nations like ours. To this end, we will analyze other models through a series of articles that we begin today. We will show you the cases of Wales, Catalonia, Quebec and Flanders. In this first article written for NAZIOGINTZA...
MIKEL URKOLA ELIZEGI In 1966 the UN proclaimed two Covenants of great international importance: a) the one referring to Civil and Political Rights, containing 53 articles; and b) the one that sets the Economic, Social and Cultural rights, which has 31 articles. In 1977, Spain accepted these two international agreements and the then Spanish King Juan Carlos  signed them. These...