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Jose Mari Pastor 13-07-2024, BERRIA. Abstract: In 1794 only 12% of the population of France spoke French. A little more than two centuries later, and through a linguicide unparalleled in Europe, “regional” languages are in an agonizing situation in France. Elections have recently been held in France, and the Basques of the North have been urged to stop fascism. But as Jose Mari...
"Rebellion in the Pacific Ocean colonies" could also be the title of this Editorial. A title that would reflect very well the atmosphere of the last few months in New Caledonia (Kanaky, in the local language), a French colony since 1853. The autochthonous population (Kanaks), mostly pro-independence, has become recently fed up with French imperialist policies and held large...
For the next term, we wish to address a specific request to the Basque nationalist parties to always speak in Basque in the parliaments of the Southern Basque Country and Spain. One does not need to be an expert to understand that all languages hold symbolic and instrumental value. Languages provide a means of communication among people, while at the...
Unai Apaolaza 15-05-2024, BERRIA. Abstract: In this article, Mr. Unai Apaolaza regrets that the Basque pro-independence left (represented by EH BILDU) has abandoned the pro-independence discourse and has focused on achieving political hegemony. EH BILDU argues that we are not currently in the phase of opening an independence process, but in the phase of achieving political hegemony. Mr. Apaolaza considers this to...

