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Diarmuid Breatnach Irish writer The English occupation of Ireland made a determined effort to eradicate the Irish language from Ireland and in 1366 promulgated the Statutes of Kilkenny to forbid “the degenerate English” (colonists) “who are become more Irish than the Irish themselves” from speaking Irish, dressing in Irish style, playing Irish games, etc. Outside of the city areas, the laws...
Euskal Herria, as a nation, is sick. In recent years it has been suffering, in our opinion, a severe process of denationalization, with a strong loss of national consciousness. Basque nationalism, in general, has not correctly diagnosed the evil, and consequently the symptoms of the disease are increasingly evident: in this globalized world our collective identity is being lost...
XABIER LAKARRA BEROITZ. Abstract: Our collaborator Xabier Lakarra raises here the issue of two opposing linguistic models, Estonia and Ireland, or as he puts it, a model (Estonia) and an anti-model (Ireland). Estonia gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. At that moment, a third of the population spoke Russian, with no command of Estonian. However, that did not stop the...
The Article written by Hasier Arraiz in BERRIA on July 20 has received many answers (Pako Sudupe, Xabier Muguruza….) and NAZIOGINTZA also wishes to give our opinion. Although in his article Arraiz mentions various ideas, we will focus on what he affirms regarding identity, although the use of the term “disloyal” does not seem appropriate to us either. It seems...
ROBIN McALPINE Director of "COMMON WEAL" Five years have gone since the self-determination referendum of Scotland, lost by pro-independence advocates only by a narrow margin. However, Brexit has offered a new opportunity to the Scottish pro-independence movement, since the Scots wish to remain in the European Union and stay miles away of Europhobic English attitudes. The streets of Glasgow have seen...
MIKEL URKOLA ELEIZEGI. Abstract: Imperialism is the greatest of political evils and has generated the greatest crimes in the history of mankind, says the autor of this article. For more than 5.000 years, in the five continents and using the most varied excuses (religion, homeland, justice and even democracy) imperialism has justified its crimes, its outrages and atrocities without shame, causing wars...
26 May is the date chosen to elect the seats of the European Parliament. Stateless nations like ours, it is understood, need to have a say in this parliament, not just because this forum decides many things that concern us in everyday matters, but also because strong allies in Europe are essential to launch a sovereignty process, as the...